
Oh no, not another addiction...

That's right, I found out about podcasts. Here are some of my favorites so far:

  • Democracy Now! To help myself in my conquest to feel semi-informed. The cast is about an hour long--about the time it takes me to (walk/stop for coffee/ride the bus/walk some more) get to work.

  • Oikos Fellowship. That's right, our church has it's very own podcast. I'm getting caught up on some of the back-sermons from before we started attending (about a month ago).

  • The Writer's Almanac. We can thank Rogue for this one. Nerdy factoids about the literary world and a poem of the day, read by the magnificent Garrison Keillor.

  • Donald Miller. A few twenty-minute segments of him reading from his books. What more could I need?

  • IndieFeed. I'm hooked on the "Blues" and "Electronica" segments--each cast is one song that you've never heard of.

  • These are just the ones I'm still subcribed to after listening to a few episodes--I've downloaded several others (including a few Harry Potter casts--but how many hours can you really devote to Book 7 theories? Plenty, I guess), but most of them weren't up to snuff. These are just the current favorites.

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