
I stole Ryan's survey

(Note: I know it says "one book," but I just don't work like that, sorry. Every single question here has many answers.)

1. One book that changed your life: Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis), A Severe Mercy (Sheldon Vanauken).
2. One book that you’ve read more than once: Oh, no. The Lord of the Rings (x3), The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger, x2), The Abhorsen Trilogy (Garth Nix, x5), Walking on Water (Madeliene L'Engle, x3), Harry Potter (x3).
3. One book you’d want on a desert island: The Bible.
4. One book that made you laugh: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer)
5. One book that made you cry: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer)
6. One book you wish had been written: It's probably out there somewhere, waiting for me to read it...
7. One book you wish had never been written: Ouch, that's rough. I've read books that I just flat out didn't like, but not that I wish had never been written--maybe Left Behind? Yeah, we'll go with that.
8. One book you’re currently reading: Howards End (E.M. Forster).
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read: Angle of Repose (Wallace Stegner). I've been saving that one, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

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